An Effective Communicator with Plenty to Say: Meet Customer Success Manager Rob Hunter

Rob Hunter, Customer Success Manager at Assured Allies, swung around in an ergonomic chair in his home office, reaching for a mug of hot coffee before changing his mind and grabbing a refillable water bottle instead. Was he willing to take a break and answer a few questions about his role at Assured Allies? “Sure!” he grinned. 

You’ve been working in the LTC insurance industry for 16+ years. What led you there?

I never thought I would end up in insurance. Originally it was just a job out of college. My passion for the field grew as I became more aware of how important it is for everyone—especially caregivers—to plan ahead. Personal history played into it too. When I was 12, a great-aunt with dementia moved in with us for ten years. I saw the toll it took on my family and the many ways that my mother and sisters in particular had to navigate around her care. 

How has the LTC industry evolved since you began?

LTC is a niche industry that has been struggling for over 15 years. Early in my career, I hoped that it would turn around. I managed a sales/marketing discount program at John Hancock and pivoted to the Federal LTC Program at FedPoint because it was a more creative role, but the industry remained sluggish. Meanwhile, the risk for aging adults and their families remained high, a real gap in the market. When wellness popped up as a fresh approach, it made sense to me. 

Why did you choose to join Assured Allies? 

When I put out feelers about wellness, Assured Allies came up a few times as a company well-suited for the challenge. I loved that it was a start-up—I graduated from Northeastern with a dual concentration in marketing and entrepreneurship/small business management and always wanted to work in that space. I felt I could add value with my experience in LTCI – from both the carrier and administrator perspective.

What surprised you the most about working at Assured Allies?

This may sound funny, but the last two companies I worked for were fairly old-school in how they conducted their business. In 2014 I was still giving out a physical fax number for agents to turn in forms! Actively collaborating in real-time with team members scattered across two continents has been a revelation and has made for VERY productive meetings. Progress at Assured Allies happens at a pace I only dreamed about previously. 

What is it like to work on the client experience team?

Engaging! That’s how I describe my job to people since joining Assured Allies. We work so closely with everyone and it has only gotten more involved: Ops for case studies and policyholder journey work, the data team for everything the client asks for, the performance team, research and actuaries, marketing, data pod… you name it, we need them. It’s been a bit of a whirlwind getting to know who, when, and for what, but I love building those connections. We also work across multiple clients with different personalities and idiosyncrasies. Every day is different! Overall it’s a privilege to work with people both inside and outside the company who are so passionate about making successful aging a reality. 

How do you find the culture at Assured Allies?

Welcoming, driven, capable, and family-oriented. The nature of a startup is always to press on, and this company does not disappoint. Everyone here has skin in the game and leadership has drawn talented people to every part of this company. There is also a very family-oriented vibe, which creates a positive work/life balance for all, including the many employees with young kids. 

You’re known as an excellent problem-solver and communicator. What are the top three things you tell a novice in your position?

Work on your communication skills. Every success or failure I have experienced in my career (and personally, to be fair) can be traced back to how effective the communication was. Good communication builds positive relationships both inside and outside the company. Plans don’t always flow perfectly. Strong relationships help weather these moments. 

Secondly, seek different perspectives. You may find that you don’t know as much as you thought. Even if you wind up being right in the moment, other points of view will undoubtedly enrich your decision-making in the future.

Last, be coachable, no matter how experienced you are. Be open to feedback and take it seriously. Making a mistake once is forgivable, but making it again is where things start to fall apart. Learn from your experiences to avoid repeating the same mistakes. 

What do you do in your spare time? 

I love playing golf more than my handicap would lead you to believe, I played rugby in high school and college and made some of the best friends I’ll ever have during that time, and I currently play men’s league soccer every Thursday with a bunch of guys I’ve known for 12 years. 

I have three kids—a girl, 7, and two boys, 4 and 1; four older sisters; and 22 nieces and nephews. I like to unwind with a good Scotch and occasionally spend an evening playing video games with friends. I am a car junkie, mostly vintage European cars, but the occasional American classic finds its way in there. I am working on my dream car, a 1977 Porsche 911 that came to me in boxes from a trade. Other than that, my wife and I are in the thick of it with the kiddos, taking car trips to the grandparents and weekend adventures to make a memory or two.