Digital Underwriting

Actually, Actuarial Science at Assured Allies Can Be Pretty Cool: Meet Erik Wenzel
Erik Wenzel Senior Product Actuary at Assured Allies, recently lowered his 6’9” frame into a chair to munch on his favorite snack, popcorn, and to chat about how his team’s innovative work is foundational for exciting new products like…

Data Science Leader Drives Product Innovation at Assured Allies: Meet Amit Alon
Amit Alon, Data Science Team Lead at Assured Allies, recently sat down with a steaming cup of Cortado to chat about her work. After only a few months at the Tel Aviv office, she has found her stride as a leader of the small yet mighty multidisciplinary…

How Data Science and Digital Underwriting Propel Successful Aging: A Chat with Gilad Braunschvig
BlogWhy the predictive analytics and digital underwriting that Gilad Braunschvig and team are developing have the potential to revolutionize both the insurance industry and the ability of people to age successfully.